Wow! Was I surprised when I saw the date on the last post. I bet you can guess that I was thinking of new year resolutions and suddenly my neglected blog entered my mind. I would like to say that I am going to post at least once per week this year, but more realistically, I am hoping I will at least post once per month. Please nudge me if I get behind.
This past week my sister came over to my apartment to help me reorganize and rearrange my craft area. My apartment is very small so it was beginning to take over the place. Once we unloaded all my stuff, we moved a shelving unit and found black mold. UGH. The unit had been against an exterior wall and apparently it had blocked the heat from getting behind it, permitting condensation to collect on the wall.
For 3 days I had everything strewn around my living room, while I bleached the wall. Then maintenance came over and cleaned it too. Next they put a sealant over the area and finally they repainted. My living room has now been rearranged so that nothing is against the exterior walls. I purged a lot of acrylic yarn and some other craft items that hadn't been used in a long time. For me, purging meant that they went to my sisters craft closet. LOL.
During this process we discovered a plethora of UFOs and WIPs. I think I startled my sister with the number of them. The decision now is whether to frog or finish the projects. Today I have frogged 2 of them. There are 3 projects that I am still undecided on and 7 projects that I am determined to complete before I start any more new ones.
Do you have any crafting related resolutions?