I haven't got much to post about my projects because I haven't gotten much done on them lately. This is because I am online far too much in the knitting and crocheting communities, forums and websites. How I loath to admit it.
Until February of 2008, I didn't know that they existed online and I felt all alone in my yarn obsessions. I don't know why I never before thought to search the net for knitting and crocheting resources. Then I found Ravelry....YIPEE! I love everything about Ravelry and I am grateful it exits. For those of you not familiar with Ravelry, it is a community for knitters, crocheters, spinners and anyone associated with those things. It has provided me with organization of my projects, craft books and future projects. There I can find many patterns and people who understand my interests. The sub-groups are too numerous to list and encompass a wide variety of peoples personalities and interests. (i.e. knitters and crocheters who like Mike Rowe)
But...and this is a big but...finding Ravelry led to me discovering so many other forums which tempt and distract me. This has me online for longer than I ever intend to be and way past my physical comfort zone, as I am in chronic pain. Also, if I am on the net, I am not holding any yarn in my hands!!! This is not a good thing. I pledge that I am going to cut back on my internet time...really, I am, I think...hmmmmm.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Sock it to me...
The book I have been waiting for finally arrived Saturday, from Crafters Choice, "Knitting Circles Around Socks" by Antje Gillingham. I have wanted to learn the technique of knitting 2 socks at once on circular needles because I love to make the first sock, but I want to move onto something else before I get to the second sock. Also, I hate to count rows on my socks, so they never turn out exactly the same length. This book takes care of both of those issues.
Coincidentally, some of my siblings families were camping this weekend near a wonderful shop called The Fabric Garden, in Madison, Maine. This meant that I could shop and visit in the same trip! I got some lovely sock yarns and more needles. Since I rarely get to shop any place but the net, it was a real treat to pet the yarn and gaze at the fantastic colorways. All too soon my arthritic hips insisted that I leave. The best part of the trip to the Fabric Garden was that my sisters-in-law were with me sharing the experience. One purchased quilting supplies and the other purchased both yarn and quilting supplies.
As soon as I got to the campground with my treasures, I pulled out my tools. The sister-in-law who knits was working on entrelac and had come upon a spot in the directions which she didn't understand. I had never done any entrelac but between the two of us we worked it out so she could continue and then I proceeded to cast on for 2 socks on circulars. It was a difficult start as we had lots of interruptions from kids and food.

By the time I got home, later that evening, I could hardly walk, even with the aid of my walker. Also, my knuckles had swollen up. So, I have only been able to knit a few rows at a time on these socks, but I can already see that this will be the only way that I knit socks in the future. Here is a picture of my the socks so far. I will post another picture when they are completed.
Friday, May 23, 2008
From the depths of my stash...

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Computer hiccups
I haven't been online for a little while because my computer decided it needs a vacation. I don't know what is wrong with it, but hopefully one of my ever so talented and kind brothers will take a look at it and see if it is salvagable. Until then, my very generous mother has lent me a cpu that she had in storage and I am getting by with that. I miss my bookmarks!!!!
With all the down time I had, I was able to get some crocheting done. The Sweet Sweater that I have been working on is almost finished, except.....I have run out of the thread I was using. I need about another 4" of crochet to make it long enough for me to be comfortable with the coverage. Since this is not a retail fiber, I will not be able to purchase more. I am in a quandry as to how to proceed from here. This will take some thought.
While I was pondering the previous problem, I made Pam Gillette's "Hot Pink Bracelet Purse".
This is such a handy little thing. It holds my license, debit card and keys, while leaving my hands free to shop or whatever.

Now I am whip stitching together some granny squares that I made several years ago and left in my craft closet. There are enough for a lapghan that I will donate to the nursing home that my mother works in. I should have that completed tonight.
I have decided that I am not allowed to start another project until I finish my sister-in-laws afghan, which I promised to her ages ago. She is recuperating from surgery on some disks in her neck and I wish I could be there to cheer her up. I keep stalling on this project because I am afraid that the cross-stitch motifs that I have designed won't be good enough, so all the hard work and hundreds of hours will be for nothing. I have to stop letting the fear of failure keep me from trying. I have done that all my life and I guess this is going to be a life lesson for me. I just don't want to disappoint my sister-in-law.
Well, that is all for now. If this computer is willing I will post again tomorrow.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Ravelry Sweet Sweater CAL
I recently completed a CAL in the yahoo group Plussize Crochet that involved the Sweet Sweater . I wasn't convinced that I was finally
going to be able to make a garment that would actually fit me for the first time in my life, so I wasn't willing to invest in a nice yarn. Instead I used Caron Pounders in Azure and Cape Cod Blue that I had on hand from afghans I had previously made. Suprise! It fits and I wish I had invested in a better yarn for apparel. (pictured to the right) I love this pattern because it is more of a formula for customizing the garment to the person it is intended for, no matter what size they are! Amazing, huh?

Well, because of this I have joined another CAL for the same pattern in Ravelry's Crochet A Plus group. This time around, I am using a cotton
blend, size 5 thread of unknown origin and a 3.25 mm steel hook. When I first started it I was using a much smaller hook and found that the increases where not turning the corners for the raglan sleeves properly and I ended up frogging several hours of work only to start over again with the 3.25 mm hook. It was immediately apparent that this was going to make all the difference in the outcome. To the left is a picture of it in progress after the correction and you can see how the V neck will come together. This should be a much lighter weight top for summer. I plan to do some open work on the bottom half of the top to be worn with a tank top or cami. When I complete it I will post a picture. Now I need to check my groups and then get back to the yarn.

Friday, May 16, 2008
Scarves From the Heart
Recently, I stumbled upon Scarves From the Heart and I decided that this is something that I can contribute to. I am on disability, so my funds are extremely limited and I primarily make things for my family as inexpensive, yet loving gifts. Scarves are one of those wonderful things that you can put together from left over bits and pieces from other projects. The more different things they come from, the more colorful and cheerful they will be. So for the past week I have been working on making some scarves to send in and here they are. (As you will see, it has been a rather productive week for scarves)
#2 & #3. These scarves are the Spring Scarf pattern by Pam Gillette. The green scarf is crocheted of acrylic yarn that I received in a box from Ray's mom. The blue scarf is crocheted from acrylic yarn left over from one of my nephews afghans.
#4 & #5. The first Spiral Scarf is crocheted of the same blue yarn in the Spring Scarf above. The second one is crocheted of a red/black twist acrylic yarn that I recycled from a sweater that my mother used to own. (sorry the lighting is bad)

#1. A scrap scarf, crocheted of 2 worsted weight acrylics from different baby afghans I had made years ago. I just chained 100 and single crocheted in the back loop only for a ribbed effect.

#6 & #7. These two scarves I hung side by side because they are knitted in the same yarn and needle, but one is done side-to-side and the other lengthways with Fun Fur Stripes in Mexicali and I find it interesting how different they look.
#8 & #9. These two scarves are crocheted in Fun Fur, but the labels were gone so I do not know the specific color or type of fun fur. I got them from a liquidator for only $1 per skein, so the price was right!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
A New Beginning
If you are looking for my first blog and pictures of my creations from January 2008 to mid May 2008 you can find them at: http://yarncrazy.spaces.live.com . I have moved here in hopes of a little more creativity with my blogging. We will see. I have already spent way too much time here in setting the blog up so I will post again tomorrow. Hopefully, I will have taken some pictures of my most recent project to upload to here by then. Ta-ta for now!
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