Google+ Beverly Is Yarn Crazy!: Wednesday WIPs + a FO

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Wednesday WIPs + a FO

I haven't accomplished much this past week, so you won't see a lot of progress from the last WIPs list.

WIPs (Works In Progress):
  1. Moose Afghan (from Hell) - 75% done.  (no progress)
  2. Long Cat Scarf - 50% done.  (no progress)
  3. Skull Towel - 25% done.  (no progress...sensing a theme here?)
  4. Ladies Top - 30% complete (no progress)
  5. Semele - 20% complete (no progress)
  6. La Vie de Bois Socks - about 25% done. Started these June 1st, so they are new to the list. The pattern is well written.  She gives you both the written instructions and a nice large, easy to read chart for my old eyes.  Loving knitting these!  Bonus, I am using yarn dyed by the designer!
Missing from the list:
    Sock Monkey Hat -  Finished!  But I didn't get a picture of it before I gave it to my sister to give to her granddaughter.  If I get a picture in the future, I will update with it.

So, what have you been working on?  Happy Creativity to you All!


  1. I ALWAYS forget to take pics before giving projects away :( Maybe you would get more done if you stopped chatting so much on google. LMAO *HUGZ*

    1. You are probably right, but I wouldn't have nearly as much laughter in my life. I think I will keep visiting with you all in the g+ hangouts *HUGZ*

  2. Sometimes we have weeks like that. :)

    Hmm, what am I working on.... I am traveling right now and have a couple of projects in my case, but have a shawl started and out on the night stand right now. I have to have something to work on wherever I am. :)


Welcome to my crafty little world!

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